A common view holds that predictive coding software is either not viable or not worth the expense and effort for discovery in cases involving tens of thousands rather than millions of documents. But predictive coding software can yield substantial dividends in time, expense and accuracy even in such comparatively small cases, with ROI often exceeding […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Key Predictive Coding Terms: Part 2
In “A Beginner’s Guide to Key Predictive Coding Terms: Part 1,” we shared with you the first set of terms that are commonly used in predictive coding not only to help you navigate the field, but to provide you with a firm foundation for understanding what service providers are talking about. In this post, we […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Key Predictive Coding Terms: Part 1
The use of predictive coding is growing, has been embraced by courts, is even more defensible under the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and is now indispensable to large-scale document review and production because of the associated savings in time and expense. Below is a beginner’s guide to some key terms used in the […]